Saturday, December 25, 2010

Salutation of the Dawn : By Kalidasa

Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life,
In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:

The bliss of growth,
The glory of action,
The splendor of beauty,
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow only a vision,
But today well lived makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore, to this day!
Such is the salutation of the dawn.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Followership : Workshop Feedback

Feedback received from Students who attended the Leadership Workshop on 17 Dec 2010

We enjoyed a lot in Followership Workshop. It was the best interactive session i have ever attended.Each game we played like( 7 UPS or narrating the story) was interesting and at the same time we gained knowledge in different aspects. I had never thought that just by watching waves i can gain such knowledge.We were motivated by your enthusiasm. I think because of small group it was very interactive and informative. I would like to attend more workshops like this in future.
Last but not the least it would be nice if others in the class also get to attend the same workshop in future.
KavyaShree C V

I never forget today's workshop, because we people had a good session on the topic leadership....
And the events and games whatever we had was superb, especially 7up and Dancing game was cool....
And I hope, Xmas plan what we made in session will come into action, insha allah....
Thank you for such a wonderful class..finally the lunch was superb....
Abdul Kareem M A

The workshop conducted today was very interesting and interactive.We came to know the quality of a good leader through various activities rather than boring lectures.We realized our potential and each one came up with innovative ideas which were communicated to the entire class.This gave us extra confidence to tell out what we feel.Overall session was planned very well and each activity was in such a way that we learned something new.

Followership : A Leadership Workshop

Conducted a Leadership Workshop entitled “Followership” in Christ University on 17 December for MCA and M.Sc. students

I intentionally kept the attendance as optional and since it was a holiday, I got a small select set of students. My target was twenty but was more than happy to get sixteen who were willing to spend a day for this workshop.

The workshop was called “Followership” as I strongly believe that Leadership ad Followership are strongly connected and a person cannot be a good leader if he is not a good follower.

The workshop as usual included games and team activities. This time I included two videos in the sessions. Like the last time it did have an exercise using Theatre, additionally I got dance in to add a new dimension.

Students seemingly enjoyed the workshop and gave good feedback. Conducting it was fun. The Agenda included

  • · Self Belief
  • · IPS
  • · Leadership Traits (Based on Stephen Covey / Robin Sharma)
  • · The Road Ahead

The Games included

  • · One To 50 Team race
  • · Thespian Walk
  • · Fairy Tale Enactment
  • · Choreograph a dance
  • · Listening
  • · 7 UP
  • · Mirroring

The students showed great leadership potential. Some are already leaders in many ways. The dance and play they put up was pretty awesome. As a follow up of this workshop all the students took the initiative to organize a Christmas Party on the 22nd Dec.

Thanks to JP Sir(HOD) and Rajeshwari Maam(M.Sc Coordinator) for all the support they gave for the initiative.

Thanks to Dannie, Kavyashree and Kareem for the logistic / planning support.