In the last two years I have conducted more than twenty orientation workshops. The basic idea is that a new class when it starts in college is not a team yet, students do not know each other and some times to create magic the class takes more than a year. Some classes just don't seem to click together leading to group-ism and division among the students
An orientation should ideally

Students should be treated with utmost respect, their dreams and aspiration should not be scorned upon and trampled on. Each child is gem only if we are ready to give them a ear. Each child is like a seed, a catterpillar ready to sprout and ready to fly. I am happy I have been instrumental in enabling some of them to start their academic journey in their college with a gusto and passion they had long forgotten in their childhood.
An orientation should ideally

- break the ice
- instill a sense of self belief
- appreciate the diversity of the group
- team building
- leadership should emerge
Classes don't function in isolation, they are part of a department with a certain philosophy, part of larger institution with a certain set of values, mission and vision. How do students align to the same.
Truth is, as much as the management may want this to happen, unless the students are motivated and see a direct advantage and purpose in this it just cannot happen. Do the students themselves know where they are headed, what are their core values, goals and aspiration.
Some core sessions in these workshops are
- Sociometry
- Ice Breakers
- Self Introspection
- Games which make them uncomfortable
- Games which make them comfortable
- Games which divide them
- Games which unite them
- Team Work
- Leadership
- Mission, Vision and Values
- Goal Setting
If you think you are alone, you are!
If you think you are scared, you are!
If you think you are sad, you are!
But the moment
you decide you are not,
You are not!
Students should be treated with utmost respect, their dreams and aspiration should not be scorned upon and trampled on. Each child is gem only if we are ready to give them a ear. Each child is like a seed, a catterpillar ready to sprout and ready to fly. I am happy I have been instrumental in enabling some of them to start their academic journey in their college with a gusto and passion they had long forgotten in their childhood.
Stand up O reluctant warrior,
You have a fight on hand.
Don't let mind play the barrier,
Utilise every grain of sand.
There is an Arjun inside you
Don't you now clearly see!
Is he the reluctant one? Or
the warrior you were meant to be
I use a mix of expressive art like Theatre, Music, Dance and Poetry in this creative journey. Batch Size is usually around 50 students and have a two day and a one day variation of the same workshop. Most sessions have activity lead by the trainer and some which are planned and lead by the students themselves.
Conducted for History, Economics, Engineering, Law, Computer Science,MBA, MCA, Psychology, Business Administration, Performing Arts, Theater Studies, Music, Maths, Electronics, Travel & Tourism and Pre University.
Credit for these workshop goes to college/university management who are willing to invite me for such paid orientation right at the beginning of the academic year. Some Directors and Deans trusted me to impart the Vision and Mission of their esteemed institutions. Many HOD and teachers took a very active interest in customizing the workshop for the specific challenges faced in the departments. The list of names is long and I will not mention it here but each catalyst, mentor, professor I have encountered knows and takes pride when their students take a leap of faith, a sincere initiative to make a difference in the world around them.
I believe I can make a difference
I believe I can touch the lives of some
I believe strongly that so can you.
Credit for these workshop goes to college/university management who are willing to invite me for such paid orientation right at the beginning of the academic year. Some Directors and Deans trusted me to impart the Vision and Mission of their esteemed institutions. Many HOD and teachers took a very active interest in customizing the workshop for the specific challenges faced in the departments. The list of names is long and I will not mention it here but each catalyst, mentor, professor I have encountered knows and takes pride when their students take a leap of faith, a sincere initiative to make a difference in the world around them.
I believe I can make a difference
I believe I can touch the lives of some
I believe strongly that so can you.
"Thank you so much for coming today and having such wonderful time with us. I thoroughly enjoyed the session and i really did not wanted the day to end. I feel like rewinding the time back till 9 am and again play it from then. ❣
I can feel that today i was really very happy after a long back. I smiled a lot more, i learned a lot more, i believed in myself and i got to know all my classmates who are beautiful souls with fun loving hearts. Once again, Thank you sir" Bhabna
"Extremely grateful to a lot of people an this universe for this wonderful day. Today I realize the value of the opportunities I have. I will continue my (hopefully) ever growing journey with zeal and kindness towards my friends"
"The orientation session was the best I have ever attended.. usually everybody thinks "orientation" mehh it will be boring.. but sir today was the best time I have ever spent in an orientation! I learnt so many things like teamwork.. about how my classmates are and how talented they are.. can't stop appreciating about my classmates.. I am really lucky to have this course and really lucky to have an opportunity to have an orientation with you and you are really a great teacher." Aditi Kulkarni
Myself Sneha pursuing my degree at Christ University. Yesterday you had come to take some interesting sessions for us, I was seriously amazed by the little things you taught us. We as humans always tries to complain or feel feel stingy about things. But the way you made us realise, life is all about hand to hand it's all about give and take. The one best thing which inspired me is never complain about things but make use of the little things you've and how a team have to be more productive in nature. I'm glad I attended and met a person like you. My best wishes are with you sir. I'll keep you in my prayers. May your life inspire others too." Sneha.S
"Sir this is Ashwathy from Christ 1st PEP ..... Yesterday's experience was something mind blowing .... We got to be whole as a class and got to know everyone better.... Personally I feel that it's very hard to make one happy.... And you've accomplished a huge task by making all of us happy .... thank you very much sir... Each of us are looking forward to do more of these kind of workshops within these 3 yrs at Christ"