We joined CMC on the same day
We are Graduates from Delhi University
We both had love marriages (even got married the same month)
We love programming
We believe in dreaming and taking it a step more,
We both have faith in our abilities to convert our dreams into realities.
This conversion of Imagination into Action is what God defines as Passion in the Book "Conversation with God". The reason my good friend Paddy is my role model is for the reason that he spells Passion with capital P.
I have not an iota of doubt that
I am smarter than him but he is the one working for Microsoft
I am the one who has clear cut PM skills but he was PMP three years before me
I am the one who is more athletic but he is the one who ran a marathon
Paddy would have himself vouched for the statements if not for his ego. So how does this guy who is 2 years younger than me achieve targets 3 years before me ? Must be "Luck By Chance" (which by the ways guys is a good movie ... see it if you get a chance)
Our conversation is limited to maybe once in six months but I do not believe that has any negative impact on our friendship because we do catch up each and every time (btw: this friendship is 12 years old). My wife always commented that after our sporadic conversation I would always be bubbling with energy to try and do things.
This article is also triggered by the conversation we had today just a few hours back so I have no qualms in sharing that this guys has been my role model for the last six years.
Last year we had gone cycling together in Seattle and as soon as I was back I purchased my 21 gears Octane NV and have taken my kids out cycling most weekends. Though I have done a lot of cycling back in Delhi, UK and US .... Reigniting the flame is credit to Mr Passion Paddy.
Friendships are special and there are strings of memories that one holds on to, may it be the trip to Nainital (1997) or Seattle (2007). The beer in Rishi flat in Janak Puri or the orange bar we used to eat on the return from movies at midnight. Though we both are into Data Warehousing we never ever worked together except for a ping pong game we made on his PC in his flat in Paschim Vihar.
The beauty of the thing is that there has never been any jealousy between us whether it was when I went to abroad first or when he got into Microsoft. When I got my Master in UK or when he did his PMP back then. When I was travelling all over Europe or when he travelled all over US. Today when I left my lucrative career in IT for a stint in teaching, I know he understands and appreciates my passion. When I did the Road Trip to Delhi he applauds my success and on the same hand brutally frank and truthful if I make some mistake or if I am on an ego trip.
I am sure you all have very good friends and understand where I come from.
There are some who only see things with their 'Scaly' eyes as "Peer Pressure",
for them everything is relative.
But I for one see my good friend "Passion Paddy" as my inspiration,
for me its is always elative
Goal Setting for Year Two Thousand Nine
A marathon which would be mine
Inspired by my friend who blogs about Wine
your role model being a friend would be helping a lot...
Its better than having Gandhiji as a role model in many ways...
first of all you can atleast have a conversation with your role model.. :)
Jos - Thanks for the article - truly obliged . The best way to respond to this article would be through a proper acknowledgment note - through my blog . You always had the flair of writing and I can see a fledgling writer in you . I won't be surprised if years down the line you are dominating the news headlines . You always knew how to live life king size (mentally) - even though oftentimes you may be marching in wrong direction ,since you had strong conviction of your ideas . I still remember the pride you use to carry when you were the 1st one to come up with COWS and BULLS reverse logic and inspired Arun(btw How is he?).I'm blessed (aligned to your newly re-found faith) to have a friend like you .
How do u make a ping pong game in Data Warehousing
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