Friday, March 25, 2011

All the Best

"A mail from a Teacher to his Students"

Dear Students,
Exams are starting and I know you all will be studying very hard.

I wish you all the best but do keep in mind luck favours the prepared mind

Like Doug Firebaugh said "Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow." In your case change it to Every Hour

Study in rotation in terms of Subjects/ Units
Take 10 minute break every hour when you study otherwise your one hour will end up having only 10 minutes of study
Ask your self can I write at least 1 line on each line item in the syllabus
Can I explain any algo .... can I walk thru the algo with example ..... then I will study the algo syntax
Studying should include recursive calls to reading, writing, speaking, verification
Is there something in this unit I definetly need to know for the exam
Is there something I keep forgetting or making a mistake .... how can I use a mnemonic or association to retain the same in the mind
Teach others in the process your concept will be clearer and preparation better
Reach for the exam 30 minutes in advance
Dont Pray for a miracle ..... because you are the miracle ..... Pray instead that you will be optimally able to use the time at hand and have the presence of mind when studying and when giving the exams.
I wish each one of you will do atleast 10% better than what you did in the previous semester

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